Sounds Like: Soaring. 

Now this is what I’ve been waiting for! Makthaverskan’s 2013 alum “II” was a revelation for me, A blast of energy, with songs that soared through the stratosphere. I wore that album out, waiting for it’s follow up, which arrived in 2017.  I found that record, “III”, enjoyable, but it was a darker album - pensive and more brooding.

Now four years later, they are back with “För Allting,” which combines the strengths of the past two records into one glorious listen. After a brief instrumental intro, the album kicks off with a quartet of energetic songs, that put’s the band’s ability to make you dance right at the forefront.  Makthaverskan’s sound is a wonderful amalgam of influences, from the shoegazey reverb, to the angular post punk guitars, the pop of the vocals and the driving percussion. I want to highlight that last one, because on tracks like “Lova” the precession thunders down like machine-gun fire, adding fantastic new dimensions to the already rich sound. The album’s middle dips in to the more reflective side we heard on “III” but never at the cost of the momentum.  “För Allting” dropped later in the year, but it’s been on heavy rotation, as Makthaverskan are masters of crafting something bold and refreshing. They tend to take a few years between albums, but that’s okay, as “För Allting” won’t leave my playlist for a long, long time.

Favorite Track:  While I adore those first four songs, “These Walls” shows up late in the album to get my fist pumping again.

Check out Makthaverskan’s Bandcamp for me.